Sunday, December 20, 2009

pregnancy tests and never ending hope

Well, I haven't counted, but I am sure I have used a zillion pregnancy tests all with the never ending hope that I see the + sign or the "pregnant" sign. Even if I feel the symptoms of my period coming on, I am in complete denial that it will come - sort of; more like never ending hope that my body is wrong. I don't care what those little sticks say - until my period starts, there is hope. But boy, when that hope is squashed, it is squashed good... until the next cycle. Again, always hoping for that miracle that my husband and I will be able to conceive naturally; all in the hope that we won't have to go through IVF; because really, that will be my final chance and then there will be no hope... unless that works :)

Here's to hoping and having the opportunity to hope.

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