Saturday, December 19, 2009

The counselling session

Well, on a Tuesday night, we got in the car and drove 4 hours to Kelowna - for a counselling appointment the next day - for 1 hour. Sigh. The appointment went well. The Dr. felt we were solid in our relationship that we can get through the stresses of IVF. After we left, we felt it wasn't all that helpful. I thought we would be asked questions on how to deal with the financial aspect; the emotional aspect if it does not work etc. We lightly touched on our relationship and options in case it doesn't' work. We felt the Dr. talked more about herself! But in the end, I had one positive feeling - she validated my thoughts/feelings - the ones that I have from the time I ovulate to the time I get my period - the hope, the what if's, the is this a PMS symptom or a pregnancy symptom. That ever strong hope that a miracle has occurred and I am pregnant.

So, after the appointment, a few errands, we got back into the car and drove back home in snow and clear weather. A week later, we will return to see family for Christmas.

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