Monday, March 19, 2007

The Real Vancouver Rain

Hi! I have read every one's blogs and when I am gone for 6 days, a lot happens. I am glad I caught up with you all.

I just came back from Vancouver and yes, it really rained there a lot. The real Vancouver Rain. But I had fun anyway.

I have had the unofficial email that yes, I am accepted into the M. Ed for deaf/hh program. Yay! I went there last week to also visit the campus. It was a beautiful sunny day and the atmosphere is so ... UBCish. I love it. I can't wait to start in July (but I will miss my hubby).

Vancouver was great as I saw my friend, met with some aunts and uncles, and hung out with the best almost 5 year old that I have met. I went shopping on Granville and visited the Vancouver Aquarium. For those of you who saw the Stanley Park tree devastation on t.v., that does not show what it is like. Drive around. It is sad in many ways but it is Nature.

While my car was parked at my friend's house, their neighbour from across the street backed into it. Thank goodness for honest people. Let's just hope ICBC will pay for it as my car is over 10 years old.

Anyway, great trip, great visit, great to be home... till Thursday and then I am off again.


shashibala said...

YAY! Congrats on getting into the MEd program (not that I had any doubts!) The time will pass quickly and then (finally) you'll be done school for good! (Well, except the one you go to every day for work...)

Hope to see you while you're in Kelowna.

Maureen said...

Sounds like a great visit to Vancouver. Congrats on the MEd acceptance. Back at school again!!