Saturday, March 3, 2007

Catch Up

No great insights on this post - just a catch up on life.

I had a few days all with just myself and my cat. Dan was away in Edmonton. Of course, it had to snow a lot one day and that meant I had to do everything (so the garbage didn't get taken out). I hate shovelling snow with a passion. Nothing worse than going smoothly and then the shovel ends up in your gut as you hit an uneven part of the pavement. Anyway, having a few days by myself was nice but it was even nicer when Dan came home.

Work: It is going great. I love the job and can't wait till I get my Masters so that I will really know what I am doing. I think I have mentioned that many times before. I am looking forward to being in Vancouver for July. I love the coast to visit but not to live so this is a perfect opportunity. I am researching UBC and I have a map and everything. I might even bring my bike and get around by bike there.

Spring Break... wow, it is almost here and this district gets two weeks. I like that. So, I will be the traveller and go to Vancouver, come back to Trail and see Bruce Cochran and Red Rider (yep, here in Trail) and then Dan and I will go to Kelowna.

The 'flying without the net' situation... it is going great in that I love learning about my body but it sure takes out the spontaneity as right now as we are still in the beginning stages. Whenever it is safe, someone had been sick or away!!

And as my friend Cheryl is doing, she lists 3 good things she is happy for so I will take a page out of her book and do the same.

1. I heard birds yesterday - spring is near!
2. 2 week spring break is great for getting to visit everyone
3. Twice my husband had the flu this year(that is not the great part) but both times I did not catch it at all.

Update completed.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Ha! You made me laugh this morning. I have heard of the newborn screening as Hunter has a skin tag and had to have a few hearing tests in his first year. I'd love to hear more...