Friday, March 30, 2007

yay's and nay's

It has been awhile... I always want to write something profound or insightful but it never seems to happen.
What has been happening in point form?
*Great Spring break!
*Went to UBC (was a gorgeous, sunny day)
*Went to Kelowna - spent too much there
*Tax Canada has given me more refund than my tax return said - who is right and who is wrong? I sure hope they are right.
*Spring time is arriving
*Going to judge a science fair tomorrow - at 8 a.m. (those who know me, I am not a morning person)
*Computer UBC registration still SUCKS! Had to talk to a real person to get it all sorted out.
*Life is good.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Refunds are always good. Revenue Cananda is pretty reliable, I hope.