Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bulemic Cat

Not for the weak stomach.

This is Mouse. For the past 3 weeks, she has been throwing up. At the beginning, we thought it would pass but then took her to the vet. It was an obstruction; wait for a BM to try and find out what it is and feed her Vaseline with her food. BM's are happening but she is still throwing up. Mostly it is hairballs but sometimes food. Give her hair ball remedy. Still throwing up. I want to follow the directions to the letter but Dan does not. Will it ever stop? She still eats as she has only lost 1 lbs in the whole 3 weeks, she is still active, and healthy. She has become more of a suck - now a lap cat where as before, she would sit beside us not on our lap. We are just tired of her throwing up. If you have any ideas, please pass them on.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Sorry, not a cat person. Good luck. I know what it's like to have a sick animal or child. No so much fun.