Monday, April 9, 2007

When the timing is right

Don't you love it when the timing is right? This Easter weekend was beautiful so I put off doing the spring clean of my kitchen floor off as long as I could. So, the weekend, I went outside and planted flowers and I went shopping. I love doing my errands when it is nice outside. Then today, perfect! It is raining. What a great time (if there is ever one) to get down on my hands and knees and scrub the floor, floorboards, and gasp, behind the stove and fridge. It is done and death to the first one who messes it up :)

Hope everyone else had a great long weekend. Next stop, May long weekend and then summer - oh my gosh!



Elizabeth said...

I still haven't gotten to my inside cleaning, despite dreary days. Argh...

Maureen said...

Since we put the house up for sale, it seems I am cleaning all the time.