Friday, November 20, 2009

The baby desire

Well, for over 2 years we have been trying to have a baby. It isn't going well. I am 'old' and the sperm count is low. We have tried to get pregnant naturally - no go, so we went through a low cost fertility method (if you call 300 dollars low cost) but that involved me taking Clomid to have more chance at ovulationg and D providing a sample that got washed and then... think turkey baster. We tried this 3 x and nothing.

Right now, we await our visit to the fertility doctor to go to the next stage - IVF. Expensive and our last hope, unless some miracle happens and we get pregnant naturally.

Speaking of which, I am in that 'wait' zone. I did the pee stick yesterday morning and nothing but my hope is ever so strong that some miracle has happened and until I get my period, the hope stays alive.

Today, I was at the dentist and there was a picture of my dentist with her new baby girl. I wish her all the best and am happy for her but I have to admit the thought of "why can't this be me?" and "will this be me?" was overwhelming.

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