Saturday, November 28, 2009

IVF School

InVitro Fertilization - we went to 'school' for it. Not really but it was a 2 hour, very interesting session.
Let me back up for a minute. We had our appointment with the fertility doctor. I had to get an ultrasound on my ovaries first. Well, this isn't the typical ultrasound. I did not have to drink water, get gel on my belly, and have the ultra sound. No, this was an INTERNAL ultra sound. Basically, the wand is nothing more than an expensive slim, dildo, with a condom on it with gel. And yes, it is inserted into me and voila, there are my ovaries. Unfortunately, one ovary has a mass on it. The doctor isn't too concerned because it was never there before and a side effect of Chlomid (which I took 3 cycles of), water filled cysts are a common occurrence. However, before we can move on to IVF, it has to be confirmed to what it is and will it dissolve. So, on Tuesday, I go for the traditional ultrasound - have to drink 1 L of water 1 hour before the appointment - groan.

Back to IVF school. Wow, there is a lot of info. It is amazing what these drugs can do. I will be taking some to repress my pituitary gland from talking to my ovaries, then other drugs to produce as many egg follicles as possible, then the harvesting of them (which is not going to be fun), the incubating of them and then the implantation. Being Catholic, I can see why the church can be against this as it is not natural whatsoever; but as a woman who so wants a child and this is my only choice, I'll do it. I am at peace with my decision.

I do have to give myself multiple injections - (daily!) when we go ahead. I was not aloud to leave until I showed that I could do this with the practice kit - yes, a real needle - for anyone out there squirming at this thought like I did, it really isn't too bad.

So, that was IVF school. Unfortunately, because of the Christmas holidays and my normal cycle, we will have to wait till January - but that gives us 2 cycles of hoping for a natural miracle.

I hope and pray that will happen.

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