Sunday, January 7, 2007

Down in the States

We went to Coleville, Washington yesterday to check out the mega Wal-Mart. Interesting that the town can support such a huge store as it is even bigger than the one in Kelowna, yet the town is not. However, we did not see any malls or other big stores so I guess it fulfills the needs of those in the surrounding areas.

Strangely, as we crossed the border, part of me thought everything would be different. Part of me thought I should see people I know. Two things that I did notice was that many houses and businesses had American flags flying - at half mast still due to Gerald Ford's death. I wish Canadians had as many flags flying in front of their houses too. The second thing I noticed was the rural mailboxes... still the big boxes with the flag to be raised to indicate mail - that and the fact they were getting their mail delivered... yes, on a Saturday.

It was a good trip along a nice back road that was gorgeous with the sun shining on the newly fallen snow. We came back with food that we can't get here- Pepperidge Farm Milan cookies and Hershey's chocolate milk POWDER mix - the best, and cheap coolers.

Now as the trip is in the past, I am gathering all my tools for returning to work after two weeks.

Thanks for reading.

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