Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Speed visiting

I think we have all heard of speed dating but I am talking about speed visiting. This past weekend, I drove to Kelowna on a Thursday to attend a workshop for hearing resource teachers in Kelowna. Since I didn't make it down at Christmas time, I wanted to see everyone I could possibly (not everyone got a visit this time - I will catch up to those late. So here was my schedule:
Thursday - arrive in Kelowna from a very tiring drive in snow; spend 1 hour in the mall; go to a 2 hour appointment - flying without the net.
Friday - workshop - oh technology failed us and there was a lot of waiting; after workshop get some COSTCO and Princess Auto (for Dan) shopping done, meet with Irene; go home (parents) for dinner; go to Mariam's. Very tired home by 10.
Saturday; meet Leanne and spend time with her and 4 children; have hair appointment to cover grey - thanks Rose; meet Cheryl; go to church and then back to parents for dinner with my sister and husband; sneak off to London Drugs; come home to bed
Sunday - get ready and go see my 96 year old Grandma. She was alert and in a good mood. Then pick up my passengers (one of whom gave me his cold!!!) and head back to Trail.

Whew! Just remembering it makes me tired. I wouldn't have missed it but it was way too speedy. I am glad I saw whom I could and as I said, I will catch those whom I didn't see.


1 comment:

Maureen said...

Sounds like you needed to get back home to have a rest. Kind of like holidays.